
1. All contributions must be signed with the author’s complete name, together with their address and their work position.

2. A copy of the paper must be sent to electronic address of the journal <i n f o @ i a n u a e d i t o r a . c o m> in format LaTeX, DOCX, ODT or RTF.

3. The length of the works cannot go above 25 pages, including bibliography. The Editorial Board can accept longer contributions if necessary.

4. All the articles, reviews and contributions presented will have to be original and cannot have been previously published in other journals.

5. Bibliographical notes and even bibliography must be adapted to the norms presented in the annex. If the authors did not respect them, the Ianua has the right to introduce the suitable changes.

6. Contributions in any Romance languages are accepted, as well as German and English. The use of other languages must be approved by the Editorial Board.

7. The topics accepted in Ianua must compulsorily be related with General Linguistics.

8. All contributions must be accompanied by an abstract having around 100 words and a list of key words (between three and ten) written in the same language of the paper. If the articles is written in a language other than English, it must also include a translation of the title, the abstract and the keywords in English language.

9. Copyright always belongs to authors. Nonetheless they will authorise Ianua to transfer the published articles and their abstracts to bibliographical databases, online libraries, indexes of scientific publications or bibliography compilations of any kind being its only purpose to disseminate the contents of the journal.
